The self insert is often the protagonist of the story – the story revolves around the self insert and the changes that they make to the universe they now inhabit. Jim and his crew must do everything in their power to rescue them. and "Leia hugs me because I'm so important. You are not a Republic Commando, or an Alpha-ARC, you are one of the countless troopers that make up the Grand Army of the Republic. Star Wars Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations, and Discussions Thread (A historical Self Insert) VictortheMonarch Star Wars A Chance Encounter and a 4. For instance, if you're writing a Star Wars fanfic, listening to a John Williams score might put you in the right mindset for it. Working as a bounty hunter sure was a lifestyle you got used in no time at all Star wars: New Order. "Hey! Hey kid, wake up," the ship's captain cried, causing the boy to open his eyes and look Aboard the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Chimaera Orbiting the Forest Moon of Endor Endor system, Moddell sector.

The floor was uncomfortable after a while, and it was cold and gloomy now. He seemed to lack even the ability to commit to a ship his YT-1400 freighter was only half-jokingly called Insert Name Here. Star Wars: The Clone Wars FanFiction Archive | FanFiction.

About the story: Clone trooper CT-4063 is a fresh and shiny trooper directly from the clone facilities in Kamino.